

the fruits of your labour,

who gets a piece?


A well-prepared Will is an essential part of estate planning, providing peace of mind that your assets will be distributed as intended. Properly drafted and reviewed, your Will ensures that your loved ones receive their inheritance without unnecessary complications, time and expenses. It also allows you to appoint trusted executors and guardians for your children if they are minors.

Without a Will, the distribution of your assets is determined by the Intestacy Rules, which may result in unintended beneficiaries and extra administration, including a potential Inheritance Tax liability. It also means that the court will choose a guardian for your children.

Thinking about your own mortality is not easy, but creating a Will can protect your family from navigating a difficult and complex legal, financial, and emotional situation after your passing. By taking the time to make a Will, you can ensure that your wishes are honored and your family is provided for in the way you intended.